For our CID project , we only spread the survey link to identify the problem of body shaming among teenagers, namely students at UMP. In addition, we also set a limit, that is, we give a choice whether they have been body shaming or not. Based on their choice, we only take results from those who have been victims of body shaming. It's because our topic is only focused on victims. We also have a very short time to advertise this survey which is only 2 weeks and needs to gather more than 30 respondents minimum. Based on the results we obtained, our survey has been completed by 51 teenagers and has reached the required quota which is as many as 50 respondents.We don't interview victims because we don't want their emotions to be disrupted and impede their learning because they have to cope with the questions we ask. Furthermore, we cannot simply select someone to be interviewed about the title of our project without first learning about their background.It's because they may have been a victim of body shaming or are someone who enjoys body shaming others.As a result, we have decided to continue our CID project only through reading publications and conducting surveys.From this, we learn how to collect the data properly by using quantitative method, also we learn that many people is faced this body shaming problem and how to faced this problem
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