Ways To Deal With Body Shaming
Ways To Deal With Body Shaming
1. Recognize the Importance of Body Positivity
Firstly, those who are often subject to body shaming should always think positively and think about their body positivity. In other words, they need to accept their body as it is without comparing it to other people's bodies. For example, those who are rather plump and healthy don't need to feel insecure when they see someone with a thin body because they are not necessarily healthy, maybe they are thin because of an illness that we don't know about. In addition, they need to realize that always feeling good about their own body will guarantee mental health. It’s because they will be more grateful and calm without thinking about it all the time. Moreover, they should embrace their unique shape or skin tone also be appreciative of their health. They don't have to think too much about what people say to themselves and become very obsessed with changing the part of their body that they feel does not reach the society's level of beauty to the detriment of their health. In fact, they should focus on other advantages that they have rather than what they don't. Based on this statement, those who are always be victims of body shaming may have an advantage in critical thinking or in any field but when they think too much about their fate it makes them unable to focus in their field thus affecting their reputation. In addition, no one is created perfect in the world and we should always be confident in the advantages we have without thinking about what people will say about our body. Lastly, if you want to change your appearance for the better, do it for yourself to be healthier and not to please others or be forced by others because only we know our body.
2. Accept Yourself and Stop Hiding
Sad to learn that many who face body shaming withdraw from society. It may manifest as a desire to be "invisible," cover up their bodies, or isolate oneself from others. So, for the next way to cooperation with body shaming is they need to always be open minded and not be too humble so that they need to hide or in other words avoid meeting other people. Furthermore, they need to love and accept their body and don't hide it anymore. It's because, there is no reason to be too humble just of this problem of body shaming. In other way, they should highlight their uniqueness to the public so that they can learn something new and be able to add new knowledge in turn making them more respectful of a person's body rather than mocking it. Moreover, no matter how our body is, we can still achieve something successful in our life. For example, the recent model industry is influenced not only by attractive models like Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, and Kendall Jenner. However, black or exotic skin models can compete and, in certain cases, dominate the high fashion market. There isone self-acceptance quote, “because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.”- Brene Brown researcher. So, you no need to be so worried to achieve something that you want in your life because nothing is impossible. Lastly, if faced with a situation that is not comfortable, they can stay away for a while to calm down and solve the problem as soon as possible is better than hiding alone.
3. Take Control of Your Social Media Platforms
The other thing about body shaming is that we are not only victims of other people’s body shaming acts, we also bully ourselves because we have been bullied into believing the “beautiful lies” we are told every day of our lives. The main factor is about our “selfie” culture that emphasizes outward beauty and we’re constantly bombarded with images of glamourous celebrities in magazines, advertisements, TV shows, and other types of media. What is mean here is, what you see every day on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram understandably can make you feel envious of others or focus your thinking on your physical appearance and any perceived flaws. Other than that, you may struggle to live up to these standards and experience negative feelings and judgements about yourself. A study at the University of Pennsylvania showed that the extended use of media platforms greatly increases feelings of loneliness. The study also showed that less time spent on social media platforms can improve your wellbeing overall. So, if you experience stress as a result of body shaming remarks on social media, take charge by eliminating toxic people from your life or unfollowing those who make you feel selfconscious. You need to do that because your feeling can become destructive when it diminishes your self-worth and body image. So, that’s why it is important for you to have control over it because it is your social media account. You also can block their account and don’t have to worried and sad about it anymore because only you know your body. Other than that, you can have a body-positive feed instead in your social media like Tiktok and Facebook. You can start to follow the sites of influencers who spread body-positive messages. From that you can know many good and healthy tips to have an ideal body or personality. Finally, if you want to get physically better, you can follow pages that motivate fitness or support health. But if you want to be happy, stick to websites that promote acceptance of oneself.
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